Quantum communication systems provide the most secure form of communication available today. Conventional encryption methods such as RSA-2048 can be broken by Shor’s algorithm running on a quantum computer. It was earlier anticipated that breaking RSA-2048 would require roughly a 400,000 bit quantum computer. However, recent studies have showed that this requirement can be brought down significantly using a distributed large network of quantum computers. Thus, upgrading the existing infrastructure to a quantum secure network is the need of the hour. The solution to this problem is presented by quantum key distribution (QKD) systems, which are proven to be theoretically secure against an attack by a quantum computer.

A QKD system typically consists of a transmitter and receiver box. A transmitter encodes messages in the form of single photons by manipulating different properties of photons such as polarisation or phase. A receiver then receives this information carried by photons and decodes it based on an earlier decided protocol. After processing the received data, both the transmitter and receiver share a secret key which they can use for secure communication. For more details about specifications of our QKD systems, contact us.